Tyler Duncan
Tyler is inspired from his surroundings, most importantly the interaction between the natural world and architecture. In addition, he is inspired by his designers’ unique backgrounds, different cultures, and traveling. Helping other people blossom, is what brings Tyler the most joy in life, which continues to fuel his passion. Following his father’s life motto “live with passion” is exactly the reason why Tyler remains dedicated, inspired, and enthusiastic.

Tyler has been practicing for 26 years now, with experience in almost all areas of hospitality design. After his time with Looney & Associates and Duncan & Miller Design, Tyler took his career to the next level and founded Duncan Design Group. Tyler is now on his 21st year leading Duncan Design Group, successfully completing over 550 projects.
Education & Interests
Tyler received a Masters in Architecture at Texas Tech University.
His interests include Family time, Comedy, Travel, Architecture, Design, Shopping and Networking.